Screening Sandy Hook

Causes and Consequences

by Deanna Spingola



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/3/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781490754383
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781490754406
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781490754390

About the Book

Most parents would never consider dispensing deadly addictive “street” drugs to their children but if a trusted physician writes a prescription for an FDA-approved schedule 2 “medication” for their two-year old based on some questionable mental health screening, those unwary parents do not question or object. Despite side effect warnings, regularly revealed during TV ads, parents frequently fail to take those warnings seriously, perhaps presuming that the side effects are happenstance or rarely occur. Over the decades, because organized psychiatry, represented by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), convened numerous consensus panels that designed hundreds of non-biologically-based “disorders” for its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) especially suitable for the pill-for-every-ill pharmaceutical industry that conceivably already had many profitable solutions for the “disorders,” in the pre-production process. The consequences have been disastrous with no discernable end in sight – some people taking prescription drugs or withdrawing from them have perpetrated school, mall and public shootings. That is in addition to thousands of suicides that the public never hears about, unless the victim is a well-known public figure like Robin Williams. Just the military-related suicide rate is 8,000 per year –untold numbers of these are the result of the psych drug cocktails doled out by psychiatrists working for the VA. The government is big pharma’s largest customer. In addition to the homicides and suicides, irreversible brain damage results from drug remedies to temporary problems that might have been easily resolved through compassionate interaction and talk therapy. Despite the claims that drugs were not a factor in the Sandy Hook mass murders, certain circumstances provide a different picture. Adam Lanza, always a unique individual, changed from being a “geeky, weird kid” to being a mass murderer, not of people his own age, but of beautiful, vulnerable children feeling secure in their classrooms in a sleepy bedroom community in Connecticut.

About the Author

Deanna Spingola is an avid student of history and a passionate researcher. The numerous disingenuous claims regarding the events at Sandy Hook piqued her interest to investigate for herself. She currently resides in Woodridge, Illinois, where she engages in various artistic endeavors. This is her sixth book.