Trafford Bookstore

What are the features of my book detail page?

Your book detail page is your book’s information hub where readers can learn about and purchase your title. Features include:

  • “Overview” tab – provides readers a brief synopsis of your book
  • “Free Preview” tab – offers a short sample from you book
  • “About the Author” tab – features your author biography information
  • “Editorial Reviews” and “Customer Reviews” tabs – allows book editors and customers to post reviews of your book

If you have purchased any Video Services, your videos can be added to your book detail page.

Your book detail page will also feature a recommended titles section that suggests similar Trafford Publishing books to customers viewing your book detail page. Additionally, if your title is available as an e-book, the Google Preview service will allow potential readers to sample a limited number of pages by clicking the “Google Preview” button.

NOTE: All changes made to your book detail page will be reviewed by Trafford Publishing and posted after one business day.