The Story and Trials of Adolph Julius Weber

Book Details
About the Book
The mystery surrounding the accuser only deepended as more facts became known.
In the fall of 1905, the State of California was forced to change its inheritance law. The State Legislature enacted what was being referred to then as "The Patricide Law". This book is about the young individual (20 years of age) who caused the enactment of that law. This book is about Adolph Julius Weber, who was arrested for what was considered at the time as one of the most atrocious crimes ever committed in California at the start of the 20th century. It being committed in the small town of Auburn, Calidornia, a population of 2,000. Adolph Weber had not only committed Patricide, but Matricide, Parricide and Fratricide. This book takes an in-depth look at the events that surrounded the crimes that were committed, and follows the events surrounding Adolph J. Weber as they unfolded and were followed by the newspapers. Although there was no actual proof that Adolph J. Weber committed the crime, he became the prime suspect, partly because of his own actions after the murders, thus Adolph Weber was arrested and eventually tried for the crime mostly on circumstantial evidence. the book covers the Coroner's Inquest that was held, the Preliminary Examination, the Grand Jury, the Trial itself, and the appeal to the State Supreme Court, and a number of interesting events that occurred during the time the various hearings and such were taking place. The book covers the period from 1904 through 1906 and much of what was actually said by the accused at different times as reported by the newspapers from that time period. There were more lawyers involved in this case than in any other period were different as they are now Some of what took place although considered legal at the time is not legal today. Hence, it could have been possible, following today's law standards, the accused could possibly been found innocent of the crime he was convicted of, thus it could be said was he given a fair trial? What also makes this story interesting is the different side issues that arose out of the multiple crimes he was thought to have committed.
About the Author
Lewis Swindle has always been intereted in sharing information gained. In being interested in mineral collecting, and collecting minerals in Colorado for 25 years, he wrote five articles that were printed in one of the National Magazines related to the subject of minerals.
When the author moved to Northern California several years ago, to the heart of gold country, he became interested in the Historic History of the area, especially the gold fields and the finding of gold. As a result of this interest, the author had three books printed as a result of his research and interest. The first two books being on something nobody had done before, and that was to go through all the old newspapers on microfilm, and collect all the newspaper articles that reported on any discovery of gold being made from its initial discovery in 1848 thru 1875. The first book was The History of the Gold Discoveries of the Northern Mines of California's Mother Lode Gold Belt, As Told by the Newspapers and Miners (1848-1875).. The second book was The History of the Gold Discoveries of the Southern Mines of California's Mother Lode Gold Belt, As Told by the Newspapers and Miners (1848-1860). The third bok was on and covered The Fraser River Gold Rush of 1858 -- Was it a Humbug?
If the author had a second life to live over, one of his interests would have been that of a geologist or a lawyer. Thus while continuing the historical research of the area pertaining to gold discoveries through the old newspapers, the author's interest got sidetracked by a robbery that had been committed, than a crime of murder, which was found to be related. The main crime committed was considered so horrible for the times, it drew worldwide attention. The facts and events eventually revealed, made for another interesting chapter in California's early history, and what caused California to change its inheritance law, hence the author has brought forth his fourth book.
Also be Lewis Swindle:
The History of the Gold Discoveries of the Northern Mines
The History of the Gold Discoveries of the Southern Mines
The Fraser River Gold Rush of 1858