An Awakening Within

by Joseph Mattioli



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/5/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781412212649
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781412004176

About the Book

An Awakening Within is an unconventional fifteen-chapter short novel that takes the reader on a captivating spiritual journey to the Holy Land and back. Though the characters and many of the events are fictitious and the dialogue is Christian based, it is universal in nature. The main character, through strange encounters in a land far from his normal sheltered existence, is faced with supernatural encounters that question and challenge many of his own basic Christian teachings , universally known as "the Story". A continuing strange turn of events and struggle make a captivating read while providing an insight, richness and vitality to the searching spirit. It is a story of acceptance and rejection; it is a story of faith; a story of Truth and fables; the questions of life. On a deeper level, it is a journey. The story is a journey in pursuit of the true that is filled with people. Yet it is a journey we must all travel alone.

Interaction between characters encourages the reader to think out and question things he has been taught by humans and instead seek God's revelation directly. The reader is challenged not to be a conformist but rather to uncover the simplicity of God's church and knowing Him. It brings one back to the very foundation of the New Testament Church. And that foundation is hearing directly from the Father himself by seeking our hope in knowing God through the universal Truth that God exists within each of us. It points to Christ or the anointing of the Spirit of God as the true teacher of all truth rather than a man or a book. Being a novel, it is a non-threatening story for the world of religion for the 21st century!

About the Author

Joseph Mattioli is an ordained Christian minister and author of two books. His previous unconventional Christian book, Throwing Away God, is also available from Trafford Publishing. Throwing Away God has challenged scholars, readers and ministers alike from all denominations of the Christian faith. He has also authored a self-publishing Christian booklet titled "Condemned", which presents "the law", written and unwritten, in a concise and simple to understand manner. The booklet is available directly from the author. He claims no authority from any pages of paper but rather inspiration directly from God. He currently lives in Independence, Kentucky with his family.

To find out more about Throwing Away God, click here