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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781425187095

About the Book

Fully revised with Reader's Guide, Self-Exploration Questions, chapter reviews and expanded Moita material.

“Reading Mind Leap was one of the most delightful experiences of my summer. First, I found it an absolutely intriguing story of personal challenge and human relationships. But second, and most important, I found it highly inspiring. There are many times in my own spiritual journey that I wonder whether it is all worth the effort – whether there really is a greater reality. This book is a powerful incentive to keep going, an inspiration and a source of hope!”
– Joyce E. Ansell, literary editor

How can we learn to live wholly, with deep intuition, in this world?
Where can it lead, for each of us, in this transformative era?

We hear “follow a path with heart”...“listen to your dreams”...“open to spirit”... But rare is the book that actually takes us far into that experience. Mind Leap does so by telling a challenging, liberating, true story from the consciousness revolution, and inviting readers to participate by reviewing their own life events and perceptions.

A novelist couldn’t create spiritual explorers more opposite than Kelly and David: growing up the psychic daughter of an abusive alcoholic and mystic son of an activist minister. But as young adults with other partners, dreams and intuitions pointed each other out, hinting of the “natural bridge” they would form together. As they were then tested in a crucible of intersecting lives, Moita began to speak through Kelly, initiating an “experiment in communication between worlds”. Her over 200 interactive sessions, shared with hundreds of participants, have been compared to the Seth material.

Mind Leap reveals the hidden workings of spirit that connect us to people and situations we need to grow in strength, freedom and love. The narrative unfolds on many levels, giving a unique inside view of the channeling phenomenon even as the prophetic messages turn from individuals to the crisis/transformation of our Earth.

“We see you all the time, are near you, yet very rarely can touch, for you do not see us. For you, we are merely a whisper in the trees... We have watched for a great many years, and now there is a drawing together of worlds, a time when the two worlds may touch and not be destroyed by each other, when they may integrate and understand. The coming together of our worlds will not change just yours, but mine. Life will never be the same again.”
– Moita

About the Author

David W. Letts was born in 1947 in New York City. He grew up in a Lutheran minister’s family with his older sister and brother. David entered college to study music but in the shadow of the Vietnam War switched to history and sociology. He filled his extracurricular hours with peace education/activism and became a war resister by publicly returning his draft card to the government in 1968. David later graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Oregon, majoring in psychology and minoring in philosophy. He completed his M.A. at the University of Saskatchewan (Regina), Canada, with a holistic critique of conventional introductions to psychology. David’s subsequent research on lucid dreams led to “midwifing” two women’s openings to psychic-spiritual communication. He was a regular participant and transcriber for over 300 of these individual and group sessions, shared with hundreds of participants from 1976 to 1985. He also edited the journal Rays devoted to selected transcripts and related experience. David has applied his holistic outlook in teaching a variety of university psychology courses. He has led or co-led dream workshops, among other groups, and guided past-life regressions, across western Canada.