Escape From Paganism: How a Roman Catholic Can Be Saved

by Larry Ball



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781425171285

About the Book

Escape From Paganism? Why do you accuse the Roman Church of being Pagan? What is paganism anyway? Paganism is man generated religion."True" religion is God generated. It is religion revealed to man by God, in His "Owners Manual" the Bible.. Doesn't the Roman Church claim to represent the living God on earth? What gives me the right to label it as pagan? This book compares Roman Church teaching with the Revealed Word of God, the Scriptures. It will show how the Roman Church does away with the God of the Bible, and replaces Him with many Gods. In fact, you will see in the Sacraments how the Roman Church DAMNS God the Father, and the God/Man, our Savior, Jesus Christ. This book has been divided into many small chapters (print bites), sort of like "sound bites" in order to make reading easier. I hope this works for you. Enjoy the book.

About the Author

The house I grew up in was located near a Catholic Church. The "Faithful" walked past our house on the way to Mass. What do they believe, I wandered. Since I thought religion was pure hokum, it did not mean much to me. A fact spiced up by my reaction as a sailor serving on a US Destroyer, the ship almost capsized twice. Other sailors fell to their knees praying for God to save us from death. Me? I told God I did not need him! All that has changed and I finally sat down to determine,"what is it that Rome teaches?"