Strategies for Transitions to Retirement
2nd Edition
Book Details
About the Book
Are you ready for retirement? How can individuals plan for the gradual shift from working to retirement? How can they make the psychological transition from working to not working? Many retirees become ill within a year of leaving work because they fail to plan for a gradual shift from working to retirement. Individuals with outside interests are at less risk than people who spend 60 hours a week on the job, but even hobbies and interests have to be refined prior to retirement. For many people, one of the most profound periods of change is their time of retirement. People's needs and attitudes and different, however, no matter what their personal goals, current age and economic circumstances may be, the strategies they employ to plan for a satisfying retirement are crucial to their mental happiness, physical health and general survival. These strategies will either enhance the quality of their golden years or shorten them drastically.
About the Author
Mary Gallinger has a B.Sc. and a Master's of Arts in leadership and training from Royal Roads University. Throughout her Master's disertation, she conducted extensive research in the areas of change and transition, the stages of aging, the achievement of balance and the history of retirement. She also conducted numerous interviews and focus groups with retired individuals and people considering retirement. Mary provides a one-day interactive workshop for people considering retirement or in retirement transition. The workshop provides up-to-date information on retirement concerns of today. It also includes a participant's handbook that can assist people in their transition to retirement. For more information, please contact Most important, it provides opportunities for new and creative approaches to retirement and a forum for participation with people in a similar scenario. The workshop information is portrayed in a thought-provoking way, creating a learning environment that assists people in their personal learning process. This workshop is an excellent one-day course for all employees of all companies! This workshop provides much needed information to support the aging population heading to retirement, and for much success and happiness in retirement life! For more information contact