Glimpses From Three Continents
Book Details
About the Book
The author is an ordinary man. Responding to circumstances he escaped from East Germany by the end of World War II and eventually emigrated to Canada. From there he wandered to Africa and back to Canada with return visits to Europe. In between these continents he crossed a great deal of water in his own boat. The ocean being the epitome of being 'free'. One of the few opportunities where man can still act without having to take recourse to others, less free than himself.
About the Author
The writer was born in Germany. Too young to be drafted he experienced W.W.II as a boy, never missing any air raids just outside Berlin. By the time of the Allied victory, he and his capitalist family found themselves in what was to become the "Democratic Republic" from which they all escaped in 1947. A colourful career develops, ranging from mining, railroading, oceanography and university studies to teaching, farming and logging. These phases are interrupted by a three year stint as an educational advisor in Africa, travels in Mexico, Belize and two Atlantic crossings in his own boat. Off and on he visits Berlin, where he finishes his teaching career as an exchangee. He now lives with his wife and family in Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Since publishing this book he has completed two further titles: "My Berlin - Its People from Hitler to the Present" and "Voyage Into Life". Both are available from Books for Pleasure, Box 916, Cayuga, Ont., N0A 1E0 or via the Internet:, by following the links under the author's name.