The Sales Mentor
Professional Sales 101 & 102 for the Development Years
Book Details
About the Book
This book is written to serve the grossly underserved training and development needs of those engaged in selling during their developmental years. Much more than just another book about sales or selling, it teaches the reader how sales professionals think and the methods they utilize to succeed. It's chocked full of insight that only the most well-informed and well-intended counselor can provide.
A soup-to-nuts offering, this book is Professional Sales Development 101 and 102. Written to mentor the reader through his/her developmental years in the profession, it's a hands-on, experience-based document that draws from the Author's expertise based on his more than 20 years of success as a sales, sales management and executive sales management professional.
This book is applicable to all sales disciplines. As such, anyone interested in either building or honing their professional sales skills will benefit from reading this book.
The premise behind the author's writing the book is that it provides comprehensive mentoring support to the reader as he or she progress through his or her developmental years. Therefore, the author is lending his experiences and wisdom to the reader with the expectations that he or she will come to fully appreciate, sooner rather than later: what it will take to become a consummate sales professional; how and why he/she must prepare and execute to achieve premier success in the profession; what it will ultimately mean to the reader, his or her organization and customers for he or she to become a consummate sales professional.
''I recommend Bobby Butler's The Sales Mentor to anyone interested in either becoming a sales professional or to those of us already in sales who would like to sharpen our skills and refresh our approach to oru profession. Bobby has outlined a process that explores both the art and science of sales. His book helps the salesperson plan, prepare, present, develop strategies, build relationships and above all bring in the business. This book is one of the most comprehensive books on the subject that I have read.''
Mr. Stephen R. Prout
Regional Vice President
''I applaud you on writing your book! I found the contents informative and encouraging. It is obvious that you love the subject of selling and have had much success in this profession. You have so many nuggets of wisdom to share with your readers. The conversational tone used in The Sales Mentor reflects your role of coach and mentor to the reader. Your willingness to share your insights and experience comes through every chapter. The Sales Mentor could easily be adapted to audio book format as well as a script for corporate training purposes. Most importantly, it looks like you had fun writing the book.''
Ms. Grace H. Staples
Vice President, Management
Consulting and Outsourcing
Hurshell Associates''Thank you for sending me your superb book...You can be very proud
of the end result of your book. It is easy to read and extremely
pragmatic, replete with sound suggestions and ideas with attendant
examples. Moreover, the box inserts enhance the presentation.
Additionally, the layout of the material has been done very well by the
publisher. Overall, the outcome is excellent. It should prove useful to
many professors who teach sales courses--either introductory or advanced
Professor Alan J. Dubinsky
Visiting Research
Professor of Sales and Sales Management
Purdue University
''An excellent primer for all those individuals considering a sales career or for the many who have suddenly found that a key component of their job involves sales. This book will provide these novice salespeople with a thorough understanding of how to manage the sales process so that greater sales performance is achieved.''
Dr. Judy
A. Siguaw
J.Thomas Clark Professor of Entrepreneurship & Personal
Cornell University
School of Hotel
''As a professor in a Professional Sales program, I am constantly reading sales oriented publications in an attempt to keep my classes up-to-date and fresh. I have found that I tend to carry something positive away from any sales book that I read. Of course, some are better than others. The Sales Mentor by Bobby Butler is one of the best books on selling that I have read. In fact, it is one of the few that I have come across that is strong from start to finish. If you are new to sales (or an experienced sales professional) and you are looking for something to help you hone your selling skills, I recommend that you read The Sales Mentor.''
Dr. C. David Shepard
Professor of Marketing & Director
Center for Professional
Kennesaw State University
The Sales Mentor: Professional Sales 101 & 102 for the Development Years (Trafford Publishing), by Bobby Butler, is an inspiring tutorial that opens the concept that ''selling is instinctive to every human being.'' A thorough handbook for individuals in all arenas of sales, it explains the do's and dont's of the entire sales process: from mastering approaches and introductions, to the development and completion of a sale, to every step in between. Discover the traits and requirements indispensable to top-notch salespeople, how to efficiently accomplish the ''three-way win,'' and how to create an ideal time-management blueprint. CRM Magazine
Marketing Books - The Sales Mentor (Trafford
Publishing), by Bobby L. Butler: Thorough sales book with loads of
examples. This book is so comprehensive it should have been 2 books. If
you're in sales this book will give you more than one good idea.
Hispanic Marketing 101
About the Author
Early in the sales profession Bobby L. Butler recognized a widespread need. True, most salespeople learn their product well. But something more important was missing: their development as consummate sales professionals. Having sold tens of millions of dollars in goods and services as a top-performer, he learned to draw from his own success to create an indispensable set of professional sales development tools.
An insightful visionary, leader and developer, Bobby view instruction, coaching and mentoring as core managerial roles; an approach that he found most effective as he built and managed exceptionally successful organizations that, in total, produced hundreds of million of dollars in sales. He brings to every client relationship the wisdom and knowledge gained from more than two decades as sales professional, manager, executive, and entrepreneur.
Bobby is the author of The Sales Mentor, the definitive book on professional sales development. He wrote the book to teach those who are in their development years in selling how sales professionals think and the methods they utilize to succeed in the profession. He also authored Sales Producer, a time and territory management workbook.
Bobby is President and Founder of Sales Mentoring Solutions, LLC. His firm provides answers to the problems that impact sales organizations and impede sales operations' productivity. It offers clients consulting, diagnostics, training, coaching and mentoring, and on-line automation solutions through its internal resources and strategic alliances and partnerships. It focuses on the functional components most critical to driving both revenue generation and business growth in your organization: sales, sales management, and leadership and customer service.
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General Inquiries:
Contact Bobby:
Or Write:
47628 Loweland Terrace
Sterling, VA 20165
(703) 406-2295
Fax: (703) 406-2695