The Incredible Hoax
the Nature of the Beast
Book Details
About the Book
An amazing, essential, entertaining, factual and fascinating look at our "mad cash disease," the nature of man and money. Also free access to an equally riveting website. Good to have, The Perfect gift" Not to do so, are sins of omission. Only US-$17.50
Sample excerpts:
"Let us issue and control the money of a nation and we care not who makes the laws" - The Illuminati- 1776
"Let us contrive wars in the name of 'Peace' and we can enslave the world through their financing and the creation of credit." - The Illuminati- 1778
"All the perplexities, confusion, distress, strife, economic depressions, instabilities, inflation and devaluation experiences of the world arise, not from defects in Constitutions; not from a desire to be selfish or see others suffer, but downright ignorance of the nature of money, the nature of credit, and the nature of the private interests who control and manipulate them" - Extract from a speech given at the University of Texas, 1920 by Sir Josiah Stamp, Governor of the Bank of England.
The purpose of this publication is to drive home, to all levels of people, the fact that events do not happen by chance. They are the product of planning by a small group of elite and apathy on the part of the masses who are entrapped,
What it takes to restore the intent and safeguards in the Constitution is an uncorrupted, Congress, Parliament, Supreme Court and Chief Justice.
About the Author
Educated to normal matriculation standard at a private Grammar School in England, 1940, followed by war service in the R.A.F. ending in 1946, Fred Kirkman was successful in the real estate and Building Society professions for eleven years until he, with his family, immigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1957.
He has made many significant contributions to the fabric of Canada. He sensed needs for change and thereto provided constructive input including the introduction of mortgage default insurance and other promotional concepts of benefit to the general, real estate and mortgage marketplaces; the Hover craft; Air-supported structures which became such as BC PLACE STADIUM and Sports arena: AND HAS BEEN ACCURATE, PERCEPTIVE, PRO-ACTIVE AND VINDICATED IN MATTERS OF POLITICAL MONETARY ECONOMICS including two books and a lively website;- All, the stuff meaningful documentaries, films or TV series are made from - Plus books on other topics ranging through business subjects; Names, Numbers, Cycles Biorythms and Metaphysical Vibration.
As a "Newcomer," he was astounded when his seven year old daughter was given the homework question: "If 12 oranges cost $ 1 but you only have 50 cents, how much must you "borrow" to be able to buy the oranges? It was a whiff of sulpher. It subconsciously triggered an alarm bell! Why be trying to teach kids the need of philosophy to go in debt? The rest, as they say, is evidenced by the books and the website.