thoughts in motion
Book Details
About the Book
thoughts in motion is a collection of introspective poems exploring a range of emotions; and exploration of thoughts experienced and expressed by the author.
About the Author
Over the course of many years friends and family have often encouraged, goaded and prodded me to publish my many pieces of writing. The pieces that I create are considered, by some, to be poetry, I've always simply called it "writing" because that's what I do - write. I write out my feelings or thoughts as they begin to plague me, it's my way of working out problems through self-expression. I don't hold back, I simply allow the words to flow out of me. At times, there are many words and other times there are few. These are my innermost thoughts laid bare. I'm sure I am not alone in the feelings that I express in my writing and for those of you who may have a difficult time expressing yourselves, I hope these writings may help you realize that you're not alone.