The Kind and Caring, Particularly Christians, in TurbulentTimes

Energization, Supernatural Power, and Counter -- Terrorism




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781553951933

About the Book

    We are in the age of turbulence. To have turbulence subsided is a matter of national security. However, the national security policy of the United States is rather problematic. To help Americans cope with turbulence and related problems, this book presents a theory of the interlocking zone of the particle, molecule, and socials, as well as an empirical methodology for bioelectric energization, "refined by God" specially for the kind and caring people, particularly Christians, who are our best hope to manage turbulence and to make this a better world for all.
    The central themes of this book are that (a) we as human beings are an aggregate of partical beings, molecule beings, and social beings and must live accordingly; (b) the lives in the interface of the molcule world and the social world are too often under the influences of forces from the particle worlds; and (c) we must apply what we know about the particle world and the forces that act on us so to enhance effective personal growth and development. The nine chapters of the book presents a detailed discussion on the theory of the interlocking zone and the refined empirical methodology, as well as the strategies and tactics for reforming the American national security policy and for the kind and caring people, particularly Christians, to get energized and to effectively as "national guards" in counter-terrorism.

About the Author

    Broadly trained in social science, public policy analysis, management, and law, with B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. all conferred by the University of Texas at Austin, King W. Chow has taught in graduate schools of universities in both the United States and Hong Kong. Currently responsible for providing scholarly support to the research development of faculty members of a higher education institution in Hong Kong, he has been an active researcher publishing widely and extensively in political science, public administration, public policy, strategic management, and education through cross-disciplinary, multi-level, and multi-dimensional perspectives. Merely in the past four years, he has already co-authored and co-edited six books, one bibliography and two journal symposia, seven journal articles/book chapters, in additions to the other books and scholarly works published in pristigious scholarly journals since mid-1980s.

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