Deacon Jokes That a Pastor Can Tell* (*Possibly Even a Bishop)




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/31/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x7
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781553951452

About the Book

God our Creator wanted for all of us happiness, contentment, peace, and especially good health. Good, clean humor can be a very important facet in changing our hectic lives. I encourage all of you to become purveyors of good humor by using this collection of jokes as a textbook. With it you can become an expert in making people laugh and I guarantee that you will feel better. You will soon see that stress, health problems, and the pressures of our world will soon disappear.

About the Author

Being around my father was always fun. During the time he was a purchasing manager, he would always have a joke to tell at the dinner table. He heard them at work from salesmen with whom he spoke. Dad would even come home from the office early to watch the Soupy Sales Show with me. He does a great "White Fang" (one of Soupy's dogs). Dad's friends can attest to his prowess with the practical joke. My grandmother indoctrinated him very early by playing some great practical jokes on him. As his mother showed him, my Dad showed my mother, my sister, Nancy, and me how to enjoy comedy and taught us to always look at the bright side of all situations.

After his retirement from Risdon, Dad used his great sense of humor in his small mail order bow tie business, Lowe Bow Originals. I think many of his customers called him just to hear his jokes. Dad also became a Catholic deacon during this time. You might think that he would have had to limit his jokes, but my father never told off-color jokes. He believed as did Red Skelton: You do not need obscsenity to be funny.

After triple bypass surgery at age 87, Dad decided to write this joke book. I know you will all enjoy laughing with Dad the way I have for more than 50 years.

(from the Foreword, by Martin D. Lowe)