The Sun Ascension




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/26/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781553955610

About the Book

This American media infused journey is a modern "holy" book. The fulfillment of prophecy perhaps, the philosophical foundation of a New Nation on Earth perhaps, an open doorway into a new dimension of human existence perhaps, an entertaining book filled with a wealth of spiritual and intellectual wisdom definitely. Politically, standing anti-war, pro-union, moderate and yet artistically extreme with a liberal progressive tilt, this book is unconventionally and powerfully written in a radically straightforward poetic approach unlike any other. Just what it really is and has the potential to become is still as yet to be determined...

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About the Author

Seth David King is an elementary school teacher in Central Los Angeles. He holds a B.S. degree in Environmental Engineering. He is currently working towards a B.A. degree in Sociology on his way to a Master's. He and his fiancée reside currently in Venice, California. He is an environmental, human rights, and peace activist, a vegetarian, and the author of The New Life Manifesto currently published in Germany. He enjoys basketball, music, reading, theatre, and travel.