Temptations, Wicked Women and Denials

by Clifford E. Swartz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/20/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 102
ISBN : 9780941290012

About the Book

These verse plays were written for rehearsed readings at evening church entertainments. As you will see, the three plays are unrelated. The "temptations" are not those of the "Wicked women," nor are the "denials" theirs; the women are more maginificent than wicked. Rather, each of ten women from the Bible explains in a soliloquy what really happened. Temptations is a duel between Jesus and Satan in the wilderness. Denials is an Easter play, requiring no scenery or costuming.

About the Author

Clifford Swartz is a physicist, retired from Brookhaven National Laboratory and from State University at Stony Brook. His is the author of more than thirty books, most of them physics texts. He continues to teach at the University. he and his wife have 6 children and 6 grandchildren. The plays have been staged in the Setauket Presbyterian Church.