The Knife of Sorrow




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/21/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781412027403

About the Book

Launched into life like an iceberg, this ADD affected person navigates life 'on a sea of addictions' until hitting the "rocks of reality" and melting. The melt down has as its consequences the dissolution of marriages, family, bank accounts, social standing and a whole lot more. Floating through life, leaving a debris field of broken marital relationships, shattered reputation, bewildered friends and acquaintances, and a few amused onlookers, Bill Farrell carried a lot of flotsam and jetsam to his meltdown point where it was released in a tide pool to serve as reminders of his life journey.

Panning through this glacial tilth, Bill finds healing and life giving 'nugget's of life's truths' which he uses in sharing his strength, hope and experience with others. It is hoped that by identifying some of ADD/ADHD life traits this book reveals areas that others may resonate with and thereby get help for themselves before getting to the end of the line.

No professional claims are intended or implied... this is MY story.

A bold statement here where I say,

"I believe this will become a bestseller!"

You no doubt have heard this from other first time, new writers, and probably think to yourself, 'Yeah, right - this book stretches the definition of 'book writing and authorship'

The reason I make this statement is that the book, story, layout, printing, and all, show the earmarks of an Adult ADD Personality to such an extent a reader will have the feeling of having dealt one on one with an ADD person. They also will have felt the frustration and 'craziness' that comes with that interaction.

I am working with my Psychiatrist exploring the use of the book as an ADD diagnostic tool.

About the Author

A leap year baby celebrating his 17th birthday gives himself the gift of self-publishing a book...this book!

Born in depression times to an influential family in eastern Arkansas, prenatal addiction plus genetic disposition to addiction from an alcoholic father, stacked the deck for Bill's picking up and exhibiting the Irish Virus from early life.

First recollection of ingested alcohol was age 5. Vanilla extract with 70 proof alcohol was a household source. Cocaine was in the Coca Cola formula during his early childhood and undiluted syrup was obtainable through the family drugstore. Hits of that through a soda straw set addiction to a greater degree and depth. Until the departure in 1942 of my father to the Pacific Theater of WWII where he supplied bottles of ether-based rubber cement. I was zonked on this stuff a lot!

Unremarkable would describe school life. College life would replace that term wild and borderline insane. Hungering for acceptance and fulfillment led to searching in some risky places and dangerous methods to satisfy that need.

An overview of my life journey to the year 2004 reveals that the hand of God securely holding on to me, both protecting and teaching. Automobile accidents, aircraft piloting with questionable type and amount of instruction, reckless endangerment in the corporate world (using my kind of accounting practices carried to an extreme caused the recent incarceration of a high ranking executive), marital relationships both numerous and painful give examples of poor decision making and self-centered actions on my part. Also, these relationships gave pain and grief to those ensnared in them.

By accident, the discovery of my being affected by and infected with ADD/ADHD gives a beautiful resolution of my life long problems when relating to others.

The pall of loneliness and despair on a daily basis is no longer hanging over me like a black cloud of doom and gloom.

Today I walk in the Son Shine of God's love!