Through the Eyes of a Concerned Liberal

Book Details
About the Book
Through the Eyes of a Concerned Liberal argues that the socio-political position of liberalism is the only one that can get us back on course toward the now-vanishing "enlightenment ideal". This was the vision of the "founding fathers," looking to a time when all of the conditions of life--social, political, moral, and intellectual, as well as material--would be realized for everyone--the "American dream."
Taking a hard look at the present social-political situation in North America, Dr. Zeigler offers a self-evaluation test for the reader to determine his/her socio-political=political stance on a spectrum (from far right to far left). (Other "tests" serve to evaluate, respectively, both one's philosophy of life and/or religion and recreational quotient "RQ".) The United States, the author asserts, simply does not appreciate that its current "imperial" status will be sorely tried in the 21st century.
The U.S.A. must now prove that its brand of capitalism and democracy, one that purports to offer a maximum of individual freedom within a democratic political system, is the best approach for the entire world to emulate. However, capitalism and ecology have become social forces on a collision course in this evolving cultural matrix. The individual citizen in this setting must be fully informed and must serve actively and responsibly to implement a liberal agenda.
The author offers 49 short essays, columns, and self evaluation devices that reflect his position. In the final analysis, each person should choose a life purpose based on (1) a comprehensive philosophy of life, (2) a concurring, socio-political stance, and (3) a search for "the good life" in a hopefully free society.
About the Author
Earle Zeigler is semi-retired from professional and scholarly endeavor. A dual citizen of Canada and the United States, he has taught, researched and administered programs at Yale University (1943-1949), the University of Michigan (1956-1963), University of Illinois, C-U (1963-1971), and the University of Western Ontario (1949-1956 and 1971-1989). His primary areas of scholarly interest have been in the history and philosophy, management, international and comparative, and professional preparation aspects of his field in education. All told, Zeigler has published 34 books and monographs and 399 articles. In addition to receiving the top three awards in his field (Hetherington Award, AAKPE; Gulick Medal, AAHPERD; Alliance Scholar-of-the-Year, 1977), Zeigler has been recognized by election to Who's Who in Canada, Who's Who in America, and Who's Who in the World. He has received two honorary doctorates (LL.D., 1975, University of Windsor, Canada and DSC 1997, University of Lethbridge).
Other books by Earle Zeigler:
A Way Out of Ethical Confusion
Whatever Happened to the Good Life? or Assessing Your "RQ" (Recreation Quotient)
Who Knows What's Right Anymore?