Indistinct Appearance
Book Details
About the Book
Indistinct Appearance is the true story of Robert Uhl. As a youth he had to overcome many obstacles such as the death of his mother at age 13 and living with a father who was verbally and sometimes physically abusive. He served in the military for a total of 10 years (2 years active army and 8 years guard time) and has traveled to many different countries. After the military he attended Iowa Central Community College and the University of Northern Iowa. His education also included four years of a national electricians course, which he says is his second job but pay the best at this time. Robert has always been a resident of Iowa and also writes poetry and short stories, which has become a big part of his life.
The book is indeed an autobiography but also tells a story that some may recognize and others should study; hence the title. His life held a secret that plagued him since early childhood but went undiscovered until age 42. He originally wrote the book for his children, which still holds true but also felt that its contents could help many people in the professional and non-professional fields.
He writes of his life beginning around age 5 and continuing to around age 50. Due to the short life span of his family he wanted to complete the book for his children and others. He also says he expects to live a long time but there is always that 1% that bothers him. Others should know my story, as it could reroute a child or an adult' s path through life and make life much clearer then it seems to be at present.
About the Author
Robert Uhl now lives in Cedar Falls, Iowa where he continues his writing. Indistinct Appearance is the story of his life. He also says that if I have to sit with a dictionary next to me when I read a book, something is amiss. Sure I could play games with words also but I choose that the reader be comfortable, not intimidated and able to read my words the first time through.