The Power of Goose Island Park
Book Details
About the Book
Goose Island Park has the power to get a person thinking about a whole lot of things that really matter.
If one persists in circling the park's lake, not out of habit, nor out of obsession, but because it's the way one connects with the powers of nature, that person may find the experience, over time, very revealing.
Each experience gained through the senses stimulates not only the imagination, but also much more.
Trips around the park bring about journeys into the mind, picking out thoughts, memories, ideas, and dreams. The power of a park can do that, if one is open to it.
You are invited to participate in one person's venture where he experiences this power of the park. His particular journey came about during frequent visits to Henderson Lake Park in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
About the Author
Ken was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, and writes from first hand experience. He earned a B.Ed in Art Education, an M.A. in Community and Regional Planning from the University of British Columbia, and a B.D. from St. Andrew's College in Saskatoon. He has served as an education and development officer in the north, has also worked in northern aboriginal schools, in the Canadian Arctic and also as a clergyman. His books include "Let Ookpiks Fly," "The Overturned Canoe," and "Here Comes the Busy Bus."