The Journey Home
Book Details
About the Book
This book is the autobiographical account of Charles' life to date. It tells the story of how an inquisitive young boy from a small farming background went soul searching back in the early seventies. His search led him on a journey of self-discovery, which he calls the journey home.
This book is a fascinating read of a healer's life. The struggles he had with issues of anger, fear, frustration and sometimes total confusion. Through the many trials and tribulations of his search, he stumbled on the wonderful gift of healing. He talks openly about his own healing works, the highs and the lows and how at one point he nearly packed it all in.
However, after all the angles the healing path took him, he reassures the reader that the true sense of power comes from within. He assures us that somehow God has a plan for us all and we should always believe in ourselves and never give up.
He was inspired to open his great-grandparents house known as the Castle. This book tells the story of the Castle and explained how the Castle Taiji Healing Centre was born. The centre which now allows him to see hundreds of clients on a regular basis, with the hope of bringing them some peace of mind, so that they too will find their niche - their own "journey home".
About the Author
Charlie Shovlin lives in Kilraine Glenties Co Donegal with his wife Grace and their three sons, Hugh, Peter and Daniel. He has been teaching Tai Chi for many years. Charles is one of the founding pioneers of tai-chi in Ireland and is one of the first Irishmen to publish a book on the subject. He has also produced and distributed his own tai-chi video, which is currently on sale at selected outlets around the country.
Charles now teaches the gentle art of tai chi and qigong for both recreational and therapeutic use all over Co. Donegal. He is a renowned healer and people travel from all over Donegal and beyond to his Castle Healing Centre in Kilraine. He has been featured regularly in both local radio and printed media over a number of years, and has appeared on R.T.E.'s nationwide television programme in Feb 2002.
He travels all over Donegal giving workshops and classes on Tai Chi & Qi Gong and energy related subject, healing. He only uses the Tai Chi as a front to get his energy out there to whoever needs it. Last year he was involved with cross border groups funded by the E.U. for Peace and Reconciliation. His workshops are usually based on material from his other book, A Way to Healing: Chakras Balancing, The Seven-Set Practice. He also works with school and colleges as well as working with private groups such as the woman's group holistic fayres etc.