The Gospel of the Existence of Man
Book Details
About the Book
After a lifetime of spiritual experiences that are presented in the detail in the book ,b>ÒWe Kneeled at the MasterÕs FeetÓ. Dr. Mooring became totally convinced that he is the reincarnation of the Apostle John and that the experiences of his lifetime were for the purpose of developing the faith and courage that would be needed to open this up to the public. Knowing that there would be a tremendous outcry and criticism from the public, and since this is so contrary to the ÒorthodoxÓ relegionists of our time. Teh reliegious hierarchy are happy with the system as it is. They don't want anyone to "rock the boat", as it were, but our "Master" says that it is time to reveal the simple truths to mankind. These truths are contained in these three books; 'We Kneeled at the Master's Feet", The Gospel of the Existence of Man" and "The Mini Gospel."
About the Author
Dr. Brutus Mooring has been in the practice of Chiropractic for over fifty years. He was one of eleven children. He has three children and several grandchildren. He was very instrumental in the licensing and regulation of the chiropractic profession in the State of Louisiana. He currently resides in Idabel, Oklahoma, and maintains a full-time practice there. The book ÒWe Kneeled at the MasterÕs FeetÓ is a partial autobiography by Dr. Mooring. It is an account of his spiritual experiences in the course of his life. He was married three times. Each time, he was blessed in that each wife, in her turn, was able to become a trance medium for him, acting as a direct conduit and channeling information to him directly from God, the Apostles of Christ, and from various spirits who worked closely with Jesus while He was on earth. Each wife, in her turn was taken from the earth plane so that the next could fulfill her mission with Dr. Mooring. Dr. Mooring became convinced that reincarnation is a fact and that we live through many lifetimes. He received what was, for him, answers to basic question regarding, among other things, the purpose of life, where we cane from, why we are here, what we do between lives, and where we are going.