Personal Medical Journal
Book Details
About the Book
Easy to use.
A useful tool to take control of your medical history.
Eliminates the memorization and repetition of health information.
Sectioned into various categories to assist you and the medical or dental professional.
This Personal Medical Journal has been proven to be a lifesaver. It will assist you by managing your own health history, that of a child or of another individual throughout his or her life. You will find this very useful when you go to the doctorÕs office or if you have a serious medical situation. Take this journal with you, especially while you are traveling and away from home, in case you require medical treatment. It will provide an overview of your medical history to assist the medical professional.
Sectioned into various categories, the Personal Medical Journal is a notebook to assist you when you visit a physician, dentist, therapist, hospital, or any service agency. You can tailor it for your individual needs, or that of an individual you are caring for by taking your own notes and adding your own style. This is YOUR journal and the format presented is to help you participate in your medical care.
About the Author
For over 42 years, Gloria A. Lopez has worked with children with disabilities and their families; and with adults who were diagnosed with medical conditions later in life. A mother of three children, her son was born with a disability – Spina Bifida. Her experiences led her to designing books that offer an individual self-empowerment by taking a more active role in their medical care through documentation. As a parent of a adult with multiple anomalies since birth, the challenges presented by the professionals involved, and the many changes in the health condition as well as the transitional evolution to an adult provided the purpose for the development of this book and the hope if a transfer of care was necessary there would be a minimal break in the daily care with the medical information provided. It has insured the continuum of health of her son. The record keeping from a caregiver has provided invaluable information when a medical situation arose being available to share the information with the medical team, assisting with a diagnosis. Ms. Lopez believes that documenting your medical history and daily care will help prevent and minimize medical errors, and assist the medical team. She is a speaker and an advocate on the purpose of documentation and has authored Personal Medical Journal, My Personal Medical Journal, Personal Medical Pocket Journal, Personal Caregivers Handbook, and the Personal Care Handbook (Aka Survival Beyond the Caregiver).