Table Of Contents
Foreword x
Preface xii
Chapter 1 – Getting Started 1-18
Get Started Now! …………………………..…………..……………….2
What is a Computer…………………………………………………..3
Hard and Software – Computer……………………………………..4
Types and Uses Of Computers……………………………………...5
Knowing your Computer Powers………….………….……………..6
Evolution of Computer………………………….…………………........8
Personal Computers (PCs)…………………….………………......12
Modern Computer Development ….………….…………………..... 13
Exercise 1 ….. ………………………………….…………………......14
Chapter 2 – Computer Hardware 19-45
Computer Hardware Overview ………………………….……………20
Knowing your Personal Computer Basic Parts……………………..20
The Computer – System Unit(CPU)…….……………………………23
Basic Architecture of Computer …….….………………….………….25
Basic Types of Computer Hardware….…..………………………….26
Computer Motherboard ………………..…..…………………….…….28
Computer Motherboard Common Features …..………………….30
Computer Motherboard Devices ……………….…………………….34
Exercise 2 …………………………..…………….………………….….42
Chapter 3 – Computer CPU 46 -102
The Processor – The Computer Brain…………………………….47
The Structure of a CPU………………………….…………………….48
The Processing of Power CPU…………….………………………58
The CPU Address Bus…………………….………………………..59
The CPU Clock Cycle - Speed……..….…………………..…………60
Performance of CPU, Multiprocessing.……………………..…….64
How does the CPU Process Data……...…………………..………..72
How does the CPU understand Binary Language-0,1?…..…….73
Principles of Operation ………………….…………………..………..74
The CPU As Integrated Circuit (IC) LSI, VLSI…..………..………...78
Type of Chips – CISC And RISC Architectures…………..………...79
Evolution of CPU’s Clock Cycle - Speed………….………..……..80
CPU Generations – First to Seventh….……………………………81
Over-clocking of CPU………………………………………………......91
Exercise 3 ……………………………….………………………………97
Chapter 4 – Computer Memory 103 -129
The Computer Memory………………………….……………………104
Memory Types ………………………….……………………..………105
Types of RAM……………………….…………………………..……..107
Connectors For RAM……………………….………………………111
Memory - RAM Speed…………………….…………………………..114
Memory - RAM Capacity…………………………………..………….115
Cache and Virtual Memory…………………………………………117
Caching Principle In Virtual Memory………………………………121
Upgrading your Computer …………………………………………121
Exercise 4………………….………………………………………...123
Chapter 5 – Storage Devices - Permanent memory 130 -176
The Permanent Memory ………………………….……………….....131
Types of Storage Devices……………………….…………………....132
Hard Drives………………………….………………………………….132
Preparing Your Hard Drive for Use………………………….…….135
Structure of Hard Drive……………….…………………………….….137
Types of Hard Drive ………………………………….……….………152
Floppy Disk………………………….…………………………………159
External Storage……………………..….…………………………….163
Compact Disks Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) …………………..165
Backup Tapes………………………….……………………………...169
Exercise 5……………………………….………………………….…..171
Chapter 6 - Peripheral Devices 177-224
Overview of Peripherals…………………….………………………..178
Internal Peripherals ……………………….………………………....179
Expansion Cards and Slots ……………………….……………..….181
Communications between CPU and Peripherals………………....188
Types of Expansion Cards………………………….…………….....191
Techniques of Processing Image Signals………………………....193
Types of Video Cards – Display Adapters……….……………......196
Modems and Network Cards.….…………………………………....200
External Peripherals, Input and Output Devices..………………...206
Input Devices, keyboard, mouse and Scanners ……………….....207
Output Devices, Monitors, Printer …….………………….……..….208
Types of , Printers and Monitors …….…………………………..….212
Chapter 7 - Software - Hardware Interface 225-255
Overview of Computer Software ……….……………………………226
Basic Input Output System - BIOS……....…………………………..227
The Role of BIOS in Software Hardware Communications ……228
Hardware Dependency and Character Sets……………………..230
Types of Software………………………….………………………….241
Compilers and Programming Language.…………………….…..243
User Interaction With Computers- GUI and Text based…………..249
Chapter 8 - Basic Elements of Programming 256-294
What is Computer Programming?…...………………………………257
Computer Algorithms……………….....……………………………...259
Creating a Simple Program………......………………………………263
Programming Concept In Visual Basic…….………………………..270
Object Access Concept In Visual Basic…….………………………274
General language reference: Data Types in Visual Basic………..278
Arrays, and Loop Statements in Visual Basic……………………...281
User-Defined Types, Tables and Memory Address………..……...288
Answers to exercises……………………………………..312-313
*Excerpt from Chapter 1
Get Started Now !
Most beginners panic when they touch a computer for the first time. Perhaps, they think typing a wrong key on the keyboard may cause some damage to the computer. Do not panic! You’ll learn everything that’s really important about computers faster than you can ever imagine. You cannot physically harm your Personal Computer (PC) from the keyboard. However, you could erase an important document or file or reorganize the computer system setup. You cannot damage the computer components by typing the wrong key. With this mindset, we are now ready to roll. I still remember what my computer science professor told me on my first day in class: “If you are not sure of something you have done on your computer, just press the Ctrl+ Alt + Delete simultaneously. This will restart your computer without saving the changes you made. So you must take extra precaution to protect your work by saving it frequently prior to the D-day. By the way you can set the auto-save feature to save your information automatically. The computer industry is full of terms; abbreviations or acronyms (letters that stand for words and sound like the words themselves). To a beginner, the biggest computer challenge is understanding what all the acronyms mean. Most often you will see acronyms like CPU, DVD, MODEM, NIC, RAM, SCSI, and many others in computer marketing ads and stores. This should not be a big deal. After all, if you forget any term you can refer to the glossary in the back of this book.
Computers are not only for experts. Anyone can be expert with a computer. Actually, it is a major priority for experts to make computer usage very simple for every one. After you master the terms, you’ll notice that computer is a simple machine that you can use for beneficial work and fun. Anyone can be expert with computer.