The Badge and Stripes of Honor
Book Details
About the Book
The Book The Badge and Stripes of Honor is written about the authors' life including a tour of duty in Vietnam 1966-1967 as a machine gunner. Work in law enforcement for 7 years before being severely injured by a tractor-trailer truck. While crippled, he owned a bar for 13 years while he was recovering from his injuries. But, he always missed law enforcement and did not want a serious accident to finish his career off early. It was like getting thrown off a horse. You have to make an attempt to get on the same horse and ride again.
About the Author
Thomas R. Randall, the author of The Badge and Stripes of Honor, served in Vietnam in 1966-1967 as a helicopter doorgunner on a "Dust Off" helicopter in front line combat to try to save the lives of wounded troops. The crew members faced dangers everyday in almost every flight. He served in law enforcement for over 20 years, and most of it was with the government. He holds a Masters Degree in education from Elmira College, Elmira, NY. Graduated from New York State Police Officers Training Academy in North Little Rock, AR, in 1988. The federal Agents Academy FLETC at Glynco, GA, in 1991. Moreover, he worked out of Newark, NJ office for I.N.S. as a Special Operations Inspector.