Grow Me Up

by Sumedh Chatterjee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/16/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781425107413

About the Book

This current book is a collection of 10 hilarious, extremely short stories happening in several countries around the world. All of these are true stories which had happened either to the author himself or to someone he knows. However the names and the personalities have been altered to make the characters totally unrecognizable, for obvious reasons. Though the stories are written in a tone that is often satirical the author confirms that it has been down just to identify the fun in it all. With a touch of the young author's imagination and his "pathological sense of humour", this book will hit you at every line, tickling you till your last bone, only making you ask for more.

About the Author

Sumedh Chatterjee is a 12years old Indian boy, who hails from Kolkata (Calcutta), India. English has been like a first language to him. He currently lives in Switzerland with his parents and is a student of class 8 of the International School of Geneva.

He is fond of rapping and is an expert in drawing cartoons/caricatures, as is obvious from his illustrations in this book. He wrote this book when he was 11. His first book for kids was written when he was 8 years old called "The Alien who made things Tick". It was a kid's way of solving global problems. This is his second book but is being formally published first. His third book is ready for publication too. "Voodoom-The Native Vendetta" is an un-put-downable wild mystery cum adventure story about an African American Kid called Hokombo and his wise grandfather. Hold your curiosity, as it too will be unveiled soon.