



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/17/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781412060103

About the Book

Logan, a young, androgynous artist (whose gender is never revealed) tells of his/her stagnant life. Seeking a solution to personal impasse, he/she takes on the project of raising snails.

Throughout, the properties, habits, and androgynous characteristics of the snails serve to clarify the interrelationships of Logan and the other six characters. Androgyny and estivation are particularly strong images that parallel Logan’s withdrawal as an individual and an artist.

The descriptions of snails and their behaviour are clearly articulated; accurate drawings (even of snails in their "double" sex act) lend authenticity to the novella.

About the Author

Pegeen Brennan was born in Ashcroft, in British Columbia’s Cariboo region; she spent most of her childhood years in Ontario, returning to B.C. to attend university in the Sixties.

She joined the Faculty of English at UBC in 1965; she taught courses in English Literature and Interdisciplinary Studies, as well as in Creative and Technical Writing. Since taking early retirement, she and her husband live in Kilpoola, B.C., near Osoyoos.

Her fiction and poetry have appeared in various literary magazines. She has published three novels, Big Rock Candy Town, Confinement at Rouffignac, To Rosewood, and three books of poetry.