How to Construct and Administer Objective Tests Correctly




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/11/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781425119041

About the Book

How to Construct And Administer Objective Tests Correctly, evolved from a series of lesson plans that the author developed to teach teachers, and prospective teachers how to construct and use objective tests effectively. These lesson plans were first used by the author at the U. S. Air Force Academic Instructor School, and subsequently at other educational institutions. Each chapter is a modified version of the former classroom lectures in the course. The students provided invaluable feedback that validated the course contents. The textbook evolved form the validated course contents.

This book is a self-help manual that helps teachers attain superior performance in measuring learning through objective testing techniques. It is also a self -instructional source of guidance for students to gain insight not and mastery of objective tests.

Accordingly, the chapters lead both teacher and student through a beneficial teaching - learning process.

    The Chapters
  • 1.) Objective Tests Construction: Or The Problem With Constructing Objective Tests
  • 2.) Test Construction And Administration
  • 3.) Writing Multiple Choice Test Items
  • 4.) Construction Matching Items Tests
  • 5.) Preparing True-False Items Tests
  • 6.) How to Construct The Sentence - Completion Item Tests

About the Author

Dr. Fredrick S. Earl, the author, specializes in TEAHCING TEACHERS HOW TO TEACH EFFECTIVELY; and TEACHING STUDENTS HOW TO MASTER TESTS. He has over forty (40) years experience as an educator: B.S. (Ed.) New York University; M.A. (Ed.) Pepperdine University; Doctoral Degree in Education (Ed. D.) University of Southern California; Lt. Colonel USAF (Ret.) former USAF academic instructor and director of curriculum an instruction; commander, USAF military training organization, visiting professor: cross- cultural education; public school teacher: social Studies; university professor: education, speech communication, and political science; author; consultant: education and training; President & CEO, Golden laurel Publications USA, LLC, (e-mail address and its subsidiary Golden Laurel Academic Services. He is the author of these books in the field of academic education:

How To Master Objective Tests: Your Guide To Top Grades
How To Master Essay Tests Items: The Teacher's And Student Manual For Excellence In Essay Testing.
How To Construct And Administer Objective Tests Correctly: The Educator's Manual For Superior Performance In Meaning Learning Through Objective Testing Techniques.