My Family is Changing

Coping with Divorce

by Craig Ashley Hill, With Louise Joy Hill & Illustrated by Jennifer Taylor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/17/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781490772240

About the Book

Written by a father of six and his wife, the My Family is Changing series of books has a primary goal of providing children and young adolescents with the ability to understand situations that may be occurring in their modern, daily life.

This book, Divorce explains what may have been the cause of their parent's break-up, to what the future for them may be. Above all, the message that is given to the children and young adolescents throughout this book is that the demise of their parent's relationship is not their fault!

About the Author

Louise and I have been married for eight years and have been blessed with three children: Cameron, an eight year old boy (he constantly reminds everyone that he is eight and a half) and twin girls, Kayla and Talia aged two.

I was previously married and have three children from that marriage: Peter, aged 17, Jessica, aged 16 and Steven, aged 15.

Louise and I are both firm believers that keeping communication flowing (or open) with your children throughout a separation or divorce is paramount for a "healthy divorce." We consider a healthy divorce to be one that allows all parties (especially the children, if there are any) to move on with a positive outlook on the future.

We believe that when it comes to a divorce, children should be told the truth. Sure, you may not want to give the nitty gritty details of who did what to whom, however, the whispers in the kitchen will be picked up on by the children, and you may force your children to withdraw at a time when you need to know exactly what is on their minds. Our advice is to treat your children like people, not children. Keep them informed, support them and allow them to support you. This does NOT mean that you should lay all your troubles on their shoulders or allow them to enter into arguments or force them to take sides; common sense should prevail!

This is the first book we have written, and the first in the My Family is Changing series. The series is dedicated to equipping children and young adolescents with information that will enhance their life skills.
Craig and Louise Hill