Wizbangers, 101 Quick Action Based Learning Activities for Speakers, Trainer and Teachers

by Ken Bellemare, Deb Calderon & Foreword by Thiagi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781412052818

About the Book

When you've only got a moment to energize your group, open up Wizbangers and find the perfect quick, action-based learning activity. This book, written for speakers, trainers and teachers will be of great help to consultants, employment counselors and others who want to communicate more effectively with groups.

Wizbanger activities will help you to:

•Get great results in minutes.
•Add energy to your session.
•Create rapport.
•Reinforce your key message.
•Connect with your audience.
•Keep your topics lively.

The book layout allows you to find the right activity, for the right situation when you need it.

Wizbangers is easy to use - chapter headings identify categories of activities, with key words to guide you in creating the desired message. A Topic Index further guides you 21 topics such as leadership, problem solving, starters and closers.

About the Author

Deb and Ken are passionate about learning. They freely share their expertise and experience with colleagues in the field. They both believe that as speakers, trainers and teachers we should strive to "bore no more". Babies are born believing that learning is the greatest game of life and the most fun. They continue to believe this until adults convince them that learning is hard work and unpleasant. Deb and Ken believe we've got to help to unleash the child within us as we explore and enjoy new ways to learn. They are learning inventors, course designers and practical, hands-on deliverers. They believe Wizbangers can help you in your work in these honourable professions.

Ken Bellemare is founder and president of Communication Magic, a Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) based training company. He is dedicated to helping trainers, teachers and speakers provide adults with better learning atmospheres to enhance learning and communication. He uses messagebased magic, storytelling, improvisation and action-based, experiential activities.

In his first major teaching assignment at a university he struggled to go beyond the traditional lecture approach that acted mainly as an information dump. During this same stage of his career he was coaching football and volleyball at the university. Sport coaches made great use of small group learning; individual coaching, props and coaching aids; game simulations; drills; observations of skilled performances and games. He started applying similar techniques, activities and principles to his university teaching. Thus was the start of his quest to make learning more interactive.

For more information, please visit www.calderonconsulting.com.