Impossible Love




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/13/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781425126582

About the Book

Impossible Love has enough emotion and intrigue to keep a good flow. It has true life entanglements. The reader will feel the reality of life, the mind play between the characters, the depth of feeling that each one displays as they try to keep face and hold their positions in this beautiful but cold mansion.

About the Author

I was born into country life, which I really loved until my second year at school I was unfortunate enough to contract Polio. I spent the next nine months in hospital.

I was placed under the care of Sister Kenny, having the heat treatment, hot baths, then being packed in hot sand bags. I was totally paralysed all but my left arm.

I regained the use of my right arm and could sit up after nine months. But my feet had to have several operations before I could walk. I had a reprieve of some months back on the farm, before entering hospital again, this time it was another six years.

Home once again, I started work in a factory making babies clothes. Then to a leather factory making leather goods. From there I worked for Colunbia Pictures as a film examiner. I married and had three sons. I began writing after the death of my nine year old son in a hideous accident. Writing to me is a relaxation, and there are many stories out there to be told. I became a freelance journalist and enjoy putting words on paper as my mind goes into action.