Mortimer and the Powerful Sword

by Kevin Kurtz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/28/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781412239226
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781412070416

About the Book

Mortimer finds a stick in the woodpile. With his imagination, he transforms into a mighty warrior. Mortimer finds himself battling ferocious dragons, murderous pirates and blood-thirsty trolls. These are only the beginning of Mortimer’s adventures. When he meets the mysterious Queen Valora, Ruler of the Land of Ruen, Mortimer must choose his allegiance. His decision triggers the final epic battle for control of the Western Lands.

About the Author

Kevin Kurtz began storytelling at an early age as he acted out the characters he had seen on television. One day he could be Batman, the next day a pirate, cowboy, or astronaut. His adventures were as big as his imagination.

He would draw from these childhood memories to create stories that entertain children. He has had the privilege of watching a child's eyes widen with excitement as they have listened to his storytelling.

A curious thing has happened in the development of this story, adults love the "Mortimer" characters too, and are caught up in Mortimer's thrilling adventures.

Kevin continues to stretch his ability to paint with words, dabbling in a variety of genres and styles. But he always comes back to the story close to his heart, "Mortimer".

Kevin is inspired and encouraged by his family; wife, Wendy, and two sons, Michael and Andrew.