You Never Know
A Memoir
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About the Book
Romy applies her previous interest and scholarly work on the body to her new physical reality. Her positive attitude and unique philosophy are truly inspirational.
The chapters are as follows:
- No Choice: Introduction: an overview of what happened to Romy and how she felt
- Why Not?: relates her philosophy on issues surrounding the surgery and the aftermath. It sets up a dream motif, and discusses that she is experiencing "Disability and Cyborg Drag;"
- Sure: specifically deals with her symptoms and the type of brain tumour she had;
- Hurry Up and Wait: deals with body issues and what Romy has learned from this ordeal;
- Oy: is her 'reality' chapter, it also deals with her current vision problems and her avid interest in popular culture;
- James-Paul:or Jamie was a close friend of Romy's who died six months before her surgery. He was an MD and he asked her to be his spiritual adviser-a non-religious endeavor.
- Mush: deals with the feeding tube, the food she was initially allowed to eat and what Romy does not eat now;
- What A Concept deals with her friends, family and that it was not surprising that new people were a part of her life;
- The Wormhole: Deals with the death of Romy's grandfather, that her grandparents survived the Holocaust, her Jewishness, the corridor she used to take in the hospital to where she said her first word.
- Blank: Deals with the coma.
- Something Funny This Way Comes: After the coma she listened to and watched lots of Comedy tapes including Seinfeld and Ellen Degenneres;
- Wind Me Up and Let Me Go: deals with Romy's love of coffee, her rehab and therapists in Toronto;
- Before: Before she went into the hospital Romy did many things, visited lots of places, and lived in Paris, France; Montreal, Quebec and Toronto, Ontario.
- C'est La Vie deals with the birth of her nephew and how she was brought back to an infantile state in the hospital;
- Queasy: Her take on 'resistance' and how she moved to Montreal to live with her parents.
- Aha: Deals with the various challenges of Romy's situation;
- Like Watching Grass Grow: Romy's physical recovery and that she has been called a "witch";
- Que Sera Sera: What the future holds for Romy Shiller.
About the Author
ROMY SHILLER is a pop culture critic and holds a Ph.D. in Drama from the University of Toronto. Her academic areas of concentration include film, gender performance, camp and critical thought. She lives in Montreal where she continues her writing.