To Baby, With Love...

by Sharon Studley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781412068314

About the Book

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: "The leaves of memory seemed to make a mournful rustling in the dark" Keep the leaves of YOUR MEMORIES fresh and ALIVE for generations by capturing these meaningful milestones AS THEY HAPPEN in this wonderful journal: To Baby, With Love.

Things you think you couldn't possibly forget about your child will be sadly lost if you don't get them on paper. Those "I need to write that down" moments quickly get pushed aside by day-to-day tasks. And, if you're like me, you've got several different books to track this important information in! Which one do you update first?!? I'd like to help you capture the most special moments of your child's life. With this wonderful journal, To Baby, With Love, you'll have a special place to preserve special events, days, and even your thoughts on any particular day.

You'll look back years from now and...

Read what you were thinking and feeling during pregnancy,

Recall what was happening during your baby's first 4 years of life,

Even be able to refer to important dates in quick-glace log pages!

Your child will turn to this journal as they get older and learn...

Family medical history

Parents' background

Events happening while they were growing up

And most importantly, they'll get to read the special personal notes you wrote them when they were little. That is such a wonderful gift in itself!

Babies quickly grow into toddlers, then little people, and before you know it, they're practically grown and you're left wondering "when did THAT happen?" This journal will help you remember when it all happened, from pregnancy all the way through to 4 years old. The next milestone of years is in another journal, chronicling your child's life as it happens. Collect each book and create your own volumes of family history to pass on from generation to generation. There just isn't a more loving, personal gift to give.

A lifetime of loving memories begins today.

About the Author