If I Were a Little Guy

by Shelene Codner Illustrated by Kevin Duffy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/1/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781412070126

About the Book

This book was inspired by the author's father, Milton J. Kramer, who in January 2004 at the age of 56 years, was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to his liver. As he laid in the Denver Hospital, his children surrounding him, huge snowflakes began to drop from the sky. Looking out the window, he said "Man, If I were a little guy I could climb on one of those and float on down." This book explores other opportunities for little guys as well as expressing an appreciation for big guys, such as our dads. Following his diagnosis the author and her siblings spent many wonderful days with their dad during his final two months. The author remembered one occasion in particular.

Milt received a solicitation call from an organization raising money for children with cancer. Of the one sided conversation she heard him say " I really wish I could help, I have cancer myself, I am not working and won't receive any benefits until August. Call me then and I will gladly contribute" (he passed away in April). After he hung up he said, "I am dying, but I have lived a real full life, done everything I wanted, done a lot of things I didn't think I would. It just doesn't make sense that these kids have to suffer without experiencing life, I wish I could help."

If I Were a Little Guy will do just that – help. A portion of all sales proceeds will be donated to the Children's Cancer Fund.

About the Author

Shelene Codner is an award-winning technical writer, whose reports have appeared in several national publications, including Biocycle, In-Business, Land and Water, Erosion Control and others. She also serves as regional editor for Green Teacher Magazine, based in Ontario and is the managing editor of the Iowa Recycling Association's school publication, 4R's. Shelene lives in rural Iowa on a farm with her husband John and two teenage children, Kayla and Jeffery.

Kevin Duffy grew up in Winchester, MA and has been drawing cartoons since he was a kid. He decided to end a successful career in publishing in 1997 to follow his passion for cartooning full-time. Since that time, his cartoons have appeared in magazines, newspapers and on the Web. He has illustrated several books including Let's Just Take This Outside, Nuts in the Woodkwork, Utah or Bust, and I Love Birds. He is also the creator of the cartoon Virtual Humor.

Kevin lives in southern NH with his wife, daughter, and son. For more information about Kevin and his cartoons visit his Web site at www.kevinduffy.net.