Footsteps Of My Soul

by Frances Munro



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/1/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781412095310

About the Book

Footsteps of My Soul is a powerfully spiritual book with very practical underpinning. It is based on some of Jesus' writings, which have been channelled through Frances Munro since the Son of God stepped in as her spiritual guide on the 9th May 1999. His main concerns are that the world is being poisoned through waste, it is vulnerable to the power of modern weaponry, and that many developed societies are now so involved in their materialistic futures, that they have lost sight of spiritual values and the richness of God within their lives.

He reminds Frances that the pathway she chose long ago involves starting a movement that will begin the process of restoring spiritual values to the world and halt environmental damage so that the Earth is fit for future generations. He also states clearly that he is here to help those in need.

His words emphasise the urgency and importance of the work, and although the writings are in an older tongue, there are also clear accounts of each. The book is in two parts, A Learning Step and Respect. Early on, Frances tells how her materialistic path ended in crisis, and caused her to rethink her life, culminating in the work she has undertaken with Jesus. She then illustrates how simple use of the wisdom and knowledge we are given empowers us all to make positive changes in life.

The second part of the book deals with the effects of a loss of respect in the world. These chapters cover the subjects of politicians, the environment, the press, religion, families, communities and our own spiritual needs. Frances reminds us that we control the destiny of our world, and asks us to work with her in the Footsteps Movement, with Jesus' guidance to begin the healing process.

About the Author

Frances Munro followed a very materialistic path, until a personal crisis caused her to re-evaluate her life. After training as a healer, she began a pathway of spiritual development, and on the 9th May 1999 found that she was communicating with a new guide. Three weeks later, he told her that he was Jesus, Son of God. She lives in a converted bakery in South Derbyshire with her husband Mike and her days are taken up with the Footsteps Movement, the charity Give Youth A Hand, dog walking, gardening and occasionally dusting.