At Risk of Not Being
Book Details
About the Book
If you are looking for a book to read that is 'normal', you have come to the wrong place. I could have developed the character of the person or persons that this book is about. I don't exactly develop any characters. This is about what is in your mind. I don't need to develop your character, as you already know who you are.
The build up of conflict is sort of covered although conflict is usually a physical thing with someone else. This is about the conflict that we have inside our own mind. Our personal conflicts fester just out of blew beneath the skin and stays there although I do pick at it like a scab.
The resolving of conflict aspect of a 'normal' book is not really addressed. I do talk about possible solutions to out over reacting in certain adverse situations.
All those people that can't hold a job because 'the boss' just doesn't understand should read this book. In fact, we don't understand 'them' but they are the boss. This book is for all those people that have been suppressed for so long that they have no self-esteem. Why would anyone write a book about him or her of for them? All those people that are not quite socially acceptable or who continue to make relationship mistakes can relate to at least some things and somebody in this book. You are not alone.
This book is about religion, politics, love, society and all the other topics that few people should discuss or write about. I start with the circumstances surrounding family dysfunction, which inspired this book. I examine the possibility that I might be gay. Pondering women's' role in this society and their effect on my life follows that. Questioning spiritual matters and carrying life's essence into adulthood is then discussed. I talk about the four dimensions of love, genetic and the slave trade. I finish with an old man's perspective on life.
Some of you will love this book and some of you will hate this book. That's just like society's opinion of me. Some of you love me and some of you hate me. That's o.k. As long as you have an opinion about me or my book, my job is done. For all of you that vote on 'love' side of things, thank you. All of you that vote on the 'hate' side of things can screw off.
About the Author
I have been married for 30 years to a wonderful woman. I have two adult sons that are the light in an otherwise dark world and a beautiful and intelligent daughter-in law. The other members of my family are three small dogs, bijou, khalua and buddy. Life has been a fog but every once in a while the light will penetrate. Riding on these beams of light are 3 dogs, 2 sons, a daughter and my wife.