Astonishing Investment Facts And Wisdom
A 5 Year Retrospective (2002-2007)
Book Details
About the Book
This book contains a distillation of six plus years of investment thoughts and relevant financial data abstracted form a plethora of resource and was accumulated for the author's personal use to help him improve his investment results, which it has accomplished. Friends have asked for copies of my notes so often that I decided to publish the material as the simplest solution. The material is presented in factoid format and covers a very broad investment mix such as: various Buy/Sell approaches, cyclic guides-year of the Pig anyone, historic nuances, what do the relative sector weightings of value, core & growth, Large Cap vs. Small cap index funds tell you the cap weight vs. equal weight debate, how to tell an idea from an index, a pessimistic investor vs. an optimistic investor's perceptions of economic data, and on and on. Definitions such PEAD, DIEFA, BBL are included are included Things you never knew and things you may have forgotten. Approaching 1,000 separate entries (all chronically presented to help in cycle interpretation) the book is a quick and easy read. Something for the novice to learn and a refresher for any professional investor. A look back at the best of the best from the past 6 years including, as a bonus, the first 4 months of 2007.
About the Author
James A. Yannes was born in Fulton, N.Y. in 1935 making him both a "Depression" baby and a member of the "Silent" generation, born during an era of depression and war. More than any other generation, they went from the bread line to affluence. An engineer by training with a companion degree in Psychology, he spent some 34 years in the private sector with the latter 20 years in the marketing of technically advanced communication systems to the International market. Retired for the past 13 years, his focus has been on the optimization of the management of investments.