Love's Reward




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/15/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781425153137

About the Book

Love's Reward identifies with real life dramas we see every day. We see the courage of two young women who experience a total change to their life , after each were involved in horrific car crashes.

We can empathise with them as we follow their fight and struggle to make their way in life, which takes an unexpected twist that creates emotional trauma beyond belief for all concerned.

We see loyalty shown to a family who had committed a crime beyond anyones imagination tearing at the heart strings and creating untold suffering for the innocent victims.

There is enough intrigue and depth of emotion to keep a strong flow to the story.

About the Author

I was born into country into country life which I really loved until overtaken by polio, spending nine months in hospital under the care of sister Kenny. The treatment consisted of continuous heat, from hot baths to being packed in a bed of hot sandbags. I had a short reprieve of several months back on the farm before going back to hospital, but this time for six years. I arrived home and very soon had work in a factory making babies clothes. then into a leather factory making leather goods.

From there I worked for Columbia Pictures as a film examiner.

I married and had three sons, and started writing after the death of my nine year old son in a hideous accident. I took up music teaching because of my love for music, until I found the toll of too many pupils and not being able to say no to desperate parents who wanted their children taught. I find writing relaxing and there are many stories to be told.

I became a freelance journalist and enjoy putting words on paper as my mind goes into action.