Psychiatry Yesterday (1950) and Today (2007)

From Despair to Hope With Orthomolecular Psychiatry




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781425155834

About the Book

Advances in modern medicine - with the exception of psychiatry - are fantastic. Who would accept the surgical techniques of 1950, today? Which hospital would allow a surgeon fully trained in 1950 to even enter a modern surgical suite? In psychiatry, modern treatment does no better than it did in 1950. Psychiatry has the worst record of any medical specialty. This assessment is based on my observations from 1950 when I began to work in the mental hospitals in Saskatchewan. At that time patients were locked up in awful buildings placed far from centers of population. The treatment used by the Quakers in 1840, which yielded fifty percent discharge recoveries, was forgotten. Admission to mental hospital in 1950 was a life sentence, with no time off for good behaviour.

The situation is different today. Patients are no longer locked up, but their brains are imprisoned by powerful, toxic chemicals from which they can not and are not allowed to escape. Orthomolecular treatment, which developed before these toxic drugs were found, has been ignored. Modern psychiatry uses only drugs and ignores the three most important elements of treatment, i.e. shelter, food, and treatment with civility and respect. The evidence is provided in this book. The optimum treatment in 1850 when drugs were not available yielded fifty percent recovery; today it is less than ten percent if the criteria are freedom from symptoms, ability to get along well with family and the community, and paying income tax.

About the Author