A Tent in the Forest
Book Details
About the Book
A Tent in the Forest is a chapter book about Pipsissewa, a two-inch tall fairy. It is suitable for reading aloud to pre-schoolers but is appropriate for all ages, elementary school and up. The story blends fantasy and realism; fairies are given scientific names of wildflowers and a glossary includes illustrations from the story. The book contains information about plants, animals and woodlands and deals with courage, change, friendship and growth. Forced from her home among the roots of a giant maple tree when the forest is sacrificed to build a road, Pipsissewa must cope with loss of home and friends. "Oh, where shall we go?" she asks. She finds the solution with help from a sympathetic young goose who invites her to migrate south with him. Pipsissewa's forest friends; Ursus the bear, a weasel, rabbits, and a beaver weave grasses into a tiny basket and tie it onto the goose's back. The grief-stricken fairy tearfully bids her friends good-bye, climbs into the basket and begins her journey southward on the back of the goose. Along the way, they stop in the Great Dismal Swamp where they encounter a poetry-reciting otter. He tells them about other inhabitants of the swamp. At the end of the journey, Pipsissewa and the young goose arrive at a lovely sanctuary called Tylaggy. Here she discovers tent-weaving spiders and unexpected friendship. She is invited to a grand festival by a tribe of Tylaggy fairies. Pipsissewa finds a new forest home and a joyful new life.
About the Author
As a career biologist, Marian Moore Lewis spent years observing life through the lenses of microscopes. She holds degrees in biology, microbiology and biophysical sciences (biochemistry) and her cell biology experiments have flown on fourteen space shuttle missions. Lewis' keen skills of observation as a scientist and a passion for nature are reflected in her books. An avid bird watcher and naturalist, she has explored rain forests in Costa Rica, jungles and coral reefs in Belize, savannas and mountain areas in Kenya, habitats along canals in France and England, deserts of the American Southwest and mixed wildlife habitats across the United States. She even hunted legendary leprechauns in Ireland. Her skill in blending fact and fantasy is entertaining and informative. Children can identify with Lewis' characters, who happen to be woodland fairies, as they deal with challenges of loss and grief as well as demonstrate ingenuity, courage, joy and growth. Having spent a childhood exploring fields, forests and streams near her home in the piedmont region of Georgia, Lewis developed a vivid imagination, curiosity and respect for the wild creatures that occupied these habitats. Her fairy stories provide an outlet for her love of the natural world. Her goals are to share this love and respect for nature with today's children and to stimulate awareness with the hope that children will learn to value and protect their environment into the future. Thoreau's quote, "in Wildness is the preservation of the world," is one of Lewis' favorites.