
by Vladimir Morgun



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781425150358

About the Book

Tte-ˆ-Tte. Hand to hand with destiny consists of five various parts. It is art prose, publics, memoirs of second WW, criticism and travel. All of these parts are the main theme on life of Russian immigrants in Canada. A beam severe, but kind soul I have found out Russian-speaking Montreal invisible up to me. I got the worthy and deserved people about whom it was necessary to write as heroes and as about prototypes of heroes for my prose. It is my second Russian book published by the Canadian publishing house Trafford. The first - an immigrant detective The Hunt for Money (2007 y.) told about a life of the post soviet immigrants on foreign land. As the bear-rod, alone, I have made it several years ago. The new book expands and deepens the maintenance and subjects of the first. This is all of that I lived all my last years. And much from this is easily recognized. Russian Книга ÇTte-ˆ-Tte. Один на один с судьбойÈ состоит из пяти различных частей. Это художественная проза, публицистика, военная мемуаристика, критика и путевые заметки. Все части обьеденены главной темой Ð жизнь русских эмигрантов в Канаде. Лучом своей суровой, но доброй души я высветил невидимый до меня русскоязычный Монреаль. Я обнаружил в нем достойных и заслуженных людей, о которых стоило писать, как о героях, и как о прототипах вышедшая в канадском издательстве Trafford. Первая Ð эмигрантский детектив ÇОхота за деньгамиÈ, - изданный в 2007 году, рассказывала о жизни постсоветских эмигрантов на чужбине. Как медведь-шатун, в одиночку, я сделал это несколько лет тому назад. Нынешняя расширяет и углубляет содержание и тематику первой. Это все - многое из того, чем я жил

About the Author

Vladimir Morgan - the writer-innovator, the publicist, the poet. It is difficult to come off its works of art. His public works is sharp and actual. And public columns clauses twirled as good as his art prose, grasp. Morgan is a former inhabitant Leningrad-city and Montreal, the philologist, the teacher, the skilled journalist (the Member of the Union of Journalists in the past) and the author of several books. In emigration the writer washed dishes and floors, carried flayers, as a hard worker, the night watchman, the doorkeeper, the car jockey, the superintendent, the advertising and literary agent, taught Russian, and businessman. And all of that time he continued to write, remaining true to the favorite themes. The main theme of his art creativity became the actual and a burning topic of adaptation Russian-speaking, favorite post soviet fellow countrymen-immigrants in Canada. Today Volodia Morgan - a member of the International Union of Writers and Editorial advice of Canadian newspaper The Yonge Street Review, Honorary member of The International Society of Poets at National library of state MD (USA). He is the winner and the laureate of several poetic competitions, the owner a Silver Cup and Bronze medal Poet of Merit and medal US Poetry Ambassador 2006 y. The name of Volodia Morgan's has been brought in The International Encyclopedia Who is Who In Poetry. -Its written about us! - Russian emigrants speak with pleasure. - Nobody still wrote of us! *Õ*È*¡*«*ü***ü„* *Ï**„****¡** ‰*Ò *À*ü„**¡„â*µ*È„Î-*******¡„â**„*, *À„Ä*±*È*ü„ *ü„*„â, *À**„*„â. *¢„*„Ä*«**** **„â**„****¡„â„΄*„* **„â *µ**** „É„Ä*«***¦*µ„*„â***µ****„Ü„É *À„****ü*á***µ*«*µ***ü**, *À„Ä*±*È*ü„ *ü„*„â*ü„à*µ„**¼*ü **„*„â„*„Ü„É *ü *¡*¼„â„Ä*¡*È„Î**„Ü„É, *¡ *µ**** *À„****±*È*µ****„Ü*µ *À„Ä*±*È*ü„ *ü„*„â*ü„à*µ„**¼*ü*µ „*„â*¡„â„Î*ü *á*¡„É***¡„â„Ü***¡„*„â „à*ü„â*¡„â*µ*È„*, *¼*¡*¼ *«***±„***„â**** *á*¡*¼„*„Ä„à*µ*****¡„* „É„Ä*«***¦*µ„*„â***µ*****¡„* *À„****á*¡... *Ý*µ***ü****„**¡*«*µ„  ** *À„***„ö*È****, „ã*ü*È***È**** *À** ***±„**¡*á*****¡***ü„*, *À*µ*«*¡******, *±„Ü***¡*È„Ü** *¦„Ä„****¡*È*ü„*„â (*¤*È*µ** *Á**„**á*¡ *ЄĄ****¡*È*ü„*„â**** ** *À„***„ö*È****) *ü *¡**„â**„* ***µ„**¼***È„Î*¼*ü„É *¼***ü**, *Õ*È*¡*«*ü***ü„* *Ï**„****¡** **„Ü*È ** „****ü**„**¡„ *ü*ü *À**„*„Ä*«„Ä *ü *À***È„Ü, „**¡*á****„**ü*È „ã*È*¡*µ„*„*„Ü, „**¡*±**„â*¡*È **„*„Ä*á„à*ü*¼**** *ü „à*µ„*****„**¡*±**„à*ü**, ****„à**„Ü** „*„â**„****¦*µ**, *«**„****¡******, *¡**„â***¦***¼*µ*µ**, *¼****„*„Î*µ„**¦*µ**, „**µ*¼*È*¡****„Ü** *ü *È*ü„â*µ„**¡„â„Ä„***„Ü** *¡***µ**„â****, *À„**µ*À***«*¡***¡*È „*„Ä„*„**¼*ü** „**á„Ü*¼, *á*¡***ü***¡*È„*„* *±*ü*á***µ„*****. *÷ **„**µ „*„â** **„**µ**„* *****À„**µ*¼*ü „ã*ü*á*ü„à*µ„**¼*ü** *À*µ„**µ**„*„Ä*á*¼*¡** *À„****«***È*¦*¡*È *À*ü„**¡„â„Î, **„*„â*¡***¡„*„*„Î ***µ„***„Ü** „******µ**„Ä *È„**±*ü******„Ä *À„**ü*á***¡***ü„*. *Ò*È*¡******** „â*µ****** *µ**** „É„Ä*«***¦*µ„*„â***µ********** „â****„*„à*µ„*„â***¡ „*„â*¡*È*¡ *¡*¼„â„Ä*¡*È„Î***¡„* *ü *¦*ü****„â„**µ*À*µ„ä„Ä„ä*¡„* „â*µ***¡ *¡*«*¡*À„â*¡„ *ü*ü „*„Ä„*„**¼**„**á„Ü„à**„Ü„É, *¡ ***µ„****µ*µ, *µ**** *È„**±*ü**„Ü„É *À**„*„â„******µ„â„**¼*ü„É *á*µ***È„**¼****-*ü*****ü**„**¡**„â**** ** ***¡***¡*«*µ. *Á*µ*****«**„* *Õ***È***«„* *Ï**„****¡** - „à*È*µ** *Ï*µ*¦*«„Ä***¡„****«******** *Á**„**á*¡ *Ù*ü„**¡„â*µ*È*µ** *ü *Ê*µ*«*¡*¼„ *ü************ „******µ„â*¡ ***¡***¡*«„**¼**** ***¡*á*µ„â„Ü The Yonge Street Review, Honorary member of The International Society of Poets at National library of state MD (USA). **** *À***±*µ*«*ü„â*µ*È„Î *ü *È*¡„Ä„**µ*¡„â ***µ„**¼***È„Î*¼*ü„É *À**„*„â*ü„à*µ„**¼*ü„É *¼*****¼„Ä„*„*****, ***±*È*¡*«*¡„â*µ*È„Î c*µ„**µ*±„*„********* **„Ä*±*¼*¡ *ü *Ô„******á******** ***µ*«*¡*È*ü Poet of Merit, ***¡**„**¡*¦*«*µ** ***µ*«*¡*Ȅ΄* US Poetry Ambassador 2006. *÷**„* *Õ***È***«*ü *Ï**„****¡***¡ *****µ„**µ**** ** ***µ*¦*«„Ä***¡„****«**„Ä„* „***„ *ü*¼*È***À*µ*«*ü„* Who is Who In Poetry. -**„â**, - „* „Ä*«*******Ȅ΄*„â***ü*µ** ********„*„*„â „*„Ä„*„**¼*ü*µ „****ü**„**¡**„â„Ü, - ***¡*À*ü„**¡**** ** ***¡„* „* *Õ*¡***ü! *¢*¡*¼ *µ„ä„Ô ***µ *À*ü„**¡*È*ü!