Our Struggle

An Historical Novel Based on the American Revolution




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/3/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x10.75
Page Count : 362
ISBN : 9781425159955

About the Book

In a few years the struggle of our Revolution (1775-1781) will be come trivial and anecdotal and irrelevant as the Elitist globalists amass greater corporate wealth and power over the common people of a former America. What will constitute a mélange babble of many cultures, a tribal mix without honor, direction or purpose other than to get rich and be safe will be the furnishings of a socialist government. Our nation’s Founders possessed no grandiose plans to form a Continental Union, as our Autocratic Pariahs in power plan to do by their evil schemes of America for sale. But with the perversion of the American dream and an almost defiant ignorance of our history, we are destined to lose our sovereignty and all the bounty of gifts we have given to the world.

In my book I have tried to re-visit certain of the battles, the congressional scenes of debate and contention from which the America of today sprang. The will, within this century, become but quaint reminders of America’s genius as we try unsuccessfully to reconstitute that glorious two-centuries past. Our Founders never dreamt of world dominion or a continental empire-state; they only contemplated security, peace and the freedom of independence won from tyranny. By our mutual labors and our inalienable rights and our faith in our creator, we could achieve what we needed and envisioned.

Before that history disappears forever into the poisonous vapors of selfish intrigue, greedy globalism and self-seeking ambition, I thought it germane in our present existence to try to recover elements of that struggle to obtain the liberties which we now discredit as pandering values-enforcement and unfairness to the illiterate, the ignorant, the alien. For they have already proven their contempt for God and for our ways and our laws. They increasingly abuse our laws to destroy our traditions and our proven institutions. Ambition is dangerous when it knows not from whence it comes and possesses no vision for a future that values freedom as the gift of Sovereign God.

My scenes are not the work of an exhaustive scholarship, but are the work of a story-teller who finds it enriching to explore and illumine the human-ness of those courageous men - Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Madison and John Adams – they who brought America’s potential to life. My book is the story of their selfless foresight, their courageous struggle and their preeminent sacrifices.

About the Author

The author grew up in a day and age when public schools taught American history. He therefore feels comfortable exploring in that venue of American life, but he does not claim to be an academic historian. For true historians rely more on the microscope put upon history than they do upon the brush and pallate of the artist-craftsman of fiction. An example is the Hawthorne's great novel The Scarlet Letter in which many historical details are left out but the substance of religious New England puritan justice, the punishment and suffering for moral error, is accurate, so accurate that because author Nathaniel Hawthorne had a relative who sat on "Hester's" panel of judges to condemn someone apparently like her--he changed the spelling of his name out of contrition, dropping the internal "e" in Hawethorne.

As Miller wrote in his Forward, the novel is an attempt to recreate the spirit of our American struggle that was uniquely tied to a pattern and example of republican government, a majestic structure that was preceded by the Articles of Confederation and followed by the Declaration of Independence and our primary document of law and order, the United States Constitution. Our revolution gave birth to a nation of laws and personal liberty that established a pattern of substance, deslgn-strength, responsible power and individual liberty, and that provided for faith, exploration and personal growth in ways so unique and so dynamic that that document is today copied in other parts of the Western world.

Miller's novel accentuates the personal, the inividual, the military and the legislative struggle that brought into existence our great nation of power and enterprise which, for over two hundred years, has served as a benefactor to all mankind. When you look at America's past, as Miller has done, you must admit that for a century we already have been a global nation, scarcely realizing that fact so inseparable are charity and sacrifice from our people's vision of hope.