Catholic Christian Spirituality for NEW AGE DUMMIES

by Fr. Benjamin A. Vima



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/21/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 538
ISBN : 9781466971714
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 538
ISBN : 9781466971721

About the Book

This book is about Catholic spirituality, which the author christens it as ‘Catholic Christian Spirituality’, which introduces this spirituality to those who dream about knowing it clearly and observing it validly and fruitfully but not fully realized their dream yet. It is a compilation of the Catholic Christian Spirituality’s Scriptural foundations, its historical explications of the Church, its multi-dimensional applications, and its inner and outer dynamics. Definitely the sole difference of this book from others, as the author writes, is the fact that “it is a book written with my red and warm blood as a personal journal of my experiential spirituality as a cradle New Age Catholic.” Though this post-modern age is judged as one of the most secular ones, even as many comment it is an age of irreligiosity there are actually millions of people around the globe being hungry for spirituality and earnestly looking for help with their inner lives. Too many self-declared sages propose too many strategies as they like. Fr. Vima observes in those dealings many are too extreme or too sentimental or too conservative and liberal or too wordy and theoretical. With a heart of pastor, serving in many parishes in the States, he offers this book to the Catholic Christian friends who live, move in this turbulent period. This book is supposed to join in that group of works. In no way it seeks to be exhaustive or conclusive handbook or textbook on Catholic Christian spirituality or any sort of spiri¬tual guidance. It consists of discussions on the basic elements of Catholic Christian spirituality, its various types, its motives and especially its dynamics. The author underlines this book’s uniqueness as he writes: “In human communication it is said, ‘one visual is worth thousand words’.

About the Author

Fr. Benjamin A. Vima, the author of this book, is a diocesan priest for forty-three years. He had his priestly formation at St. Paul’s Seminary, India, run by the Jesuits during his time. He is now working as an international priest, incardinated to the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Besides his diplomas in philosophy and theology, he holds two master’s degrees, one in religious communications and media from the Loyola University of Chicago and the other in development theater communications from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He too underwent the DMin program of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa. While serving as pastor in different parishes both in India and USA, he served as the founder and the first executive director of Sathangai, an archdiocesan center for Catholic communications in Madurai, South India. He is a liturgical and social music composer and publisher. He has produced and published many volumes of Tamil liturgical hymns under the title Isaithen. A People’s Theatre: For Community Development in Tamilnadu, India was his first book, which was to be used as a guide for all development theater workers in India. He has published four books in recent years: My Dear Ecclesia, a compilation of his Letters for Parish Weekly bulletins; Sonday Sonrise, homilies for Sundays and solemnities for years ABC; Daily Dose for Christian Survival, a daily scriptural meditation and spiritual medication; and Prayerfully Yours, Quality Prayer for Quality life. At present, Father Vima serves as pastor at Sacred Heart Church Parish, Skiatook, Oklahoma, USA.