Careers After 40
App Yourself!
Book Details
About the Book
Ron Harding is the author of three books, Making Creativity Accountable (on for twenty-one years!), Arts and Entertainment Marketing, and App Yourself! Your Skills, New Careers. This new book is your roadmap to successfully change careers at a later time in life or find work in today’s new competitive marketing environment. Hundreds have found new satisfying jobs that fuel their passion and increases their salary. Find your new career with Careers After 40!
About the Author
Ron Harding is an award-winning author of two books. He has been a contributor to Advertising Age and Business Week. Harding has been profiled in the Boston Herald and the New York Times. He served as supervisor at Procter & Gamble for nine years and director at Gillette for twelve years. Additionally, Harding has been an advisor to nine Fortune 500 companies, career counselor, copywriter, entrepreneur, film critic, lecturer, marketing director, motivational speaker, small-business consultant, and voice-over announcer. For twenty-three years he has been professor of communication and marketing at Boston University, Curry College, Emerson College, and Northeastern University. Harding received the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2011. He is president of Harding & Company, a management training and career development center for eighteen years.