The Adventures of Natsoodatle

The Stolen Blankets

by Keh Dene Band & Illustrated by Tsay Keh Dene



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/6/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781466987197

About the Book

Many first nations have a story about a guy who was always involved in all kinds of mischief wherever he went. His stories are humorous, while usually ending with a moral or lesson to be learned. In Tsay Keh Dene lore, his name was Natsoodatle. This is one of his many adventures.

About the Author

Although most Tsay Keh Dene will tell this story (and all have the same story but sometimes with a different twist), this one has been told by Vera Poole and condensed and targeted for children ages three to five. It is written in English and the Tsay Keh language. The illustrations were done by the school children of Tsay Keh Dene.