The Life of Maxine Holsinger
Book Details
About the Book
I’m writing this book at the ripe old age of seventy-five. I will try to put in all relatives and friends as far as I can remember. I have been diagnosed with cancer (multiple myeloma), which is incurable at this time but can be treated. This book has been inspired by God, and since I am trying to be obedient, who knows what will happen. With him, all things are possible. I’m sure he will allow me to finish this book, but if not, God’s will be done. I hope you will enjoy reading this book.
About the Author
I was born in a small town in Rockingham County in the state of Virginia. My early life began in this area. I am the daughter of Earman and Madeline Roadcap. Madeline had a son by her first husband. This union was doomed from the beginning. David was a cruel man and very jealous of Mom. When he had to go away, he would lock her in the house until he returned. I never found out how she got away from him, but somehow, she managed to get away and divorce him. Years later, she married my dad. Daddy never accepted Maynard (my half brother) as his stepson, so he went off to live with my grandma, Mary Pittington (Mom’s mother), until he joined the navy. Ten years later, Mom and Dad were blessed with a baby boy, Donald Roadcap (my full brother). We called him Donnie. He was the apple of Daddy’s eye. Twenty-two months later, I was born. My younger sister hadn’t been born yet. She is almost six years younger than me. They named her Emma. They knew she would be their last child since she was a change-of-life baby. Mom was about forty when Emma was born. Somehow, over the years, Emma began to develop a mental problem that was so mild, nobody seemed to notice, not even Mom and Dad, but I noticed.