Voices In A Midnight Mind

Haunting Tales, Requiems and Epitaphs

by Ken Michaels



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781466993594
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781466993600
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781466993617

About the Book

Voices in a Midnight Mind is a compilation of horror stories that will run a cold skeletal finger down your spine in the dim reading light of your otherwise cozy room. The descriptive, often dark, narratives between these book covers will escort your thoughts with a sure hand and unsound mind, from the playful beginnings of two boys in “The Dare” through the unique solution to the world’s energy sources in “Oilganic” to the poignant redemption of a cold lonely man in “Batting Cleanup.” Each haunting tale welcomes you like a creaky door to a dark house and bids you farewell with the gentle caress of a shovel on your grave. And you will be left wondering, and wandering, in the dark room of your imagination . . . your own midnight mind.

About the Author

Ken Michaels’s life-long passion has been carefully weaving tales of haunts, hauntings, and the haunted—always attempting to snag, if not tear, the thin fabric between all three. Yet though he has been writing ghost stories since his youth, the chilling narratives contained within Voices in a Midnight Mind are his first published works in the genre. His previously published work was Tales from a Poet, a collective of his acclaimed poetry. A free-lance paranormal investigator with an electronic engineering degree, he works to bridge the gap between modern electrical principles and the age-old question on the existence of legitimate paranormal activity. Ken lives in Florida with Sherri and his two cats, Mosey and Wrigley.