Murongiwa Stanislaus Marembo

The Forgotten Hero of Zimbabwe Liberation




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/20/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781490733838
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781490733821

About the Book

This is chiefly a narrative by one of the founding politicians of Zimbabwe, Murongiwa Stanislaus Marembo, about his life in the then-oppressive Rhodesia. The man who spent arguably the longest, a total of seventeen years, in detention tells of his trials, tribulations, and the persecution he suffered for the independence of Zimbabwe. Mr. Marembo was one of the first people to be arrested and detained for political reasons. He was incarcerated in many a prison and detention and restriction area across what was then Southern Rhodesia and was left at the mercy of the wild.

Marembo was instrumental in the transformation of Zimbabwe from the hands of the minority to the majority, but he did not live to enjoy the fruits of his labor. The real enemy pounced and assassinated him on 6 February 1981 by a bomb.

About the Author

Tavakunda was born on 6 July 1976 as the nineteenth-born child of M. S. Marembo amongst fifteen male and eight female siblings. He grew up performing all the chores required of a rural boy, from ploughing, weeding, herding cattle, and milking cows to erecting and repairing the fence surrounding the homestead. He attended Bemberi (Mt. Darwin), Mhofu (Harare), and Chionana (Chiota) primary schools between 1983 and 1989, Chionana Secondary School from 1990 to 1993, and Marlborough High School from 1994 to 1995 for his Cambridge GCE Ordinary and Advanced Levels, respectively.

Tavakunda could not pursue university studies at Africa University in 1996, where he had secured a place because of financial reasons and, instead, sought employment. He, between 1996 and April 2002, worked in the Zimbabwe government as a junior civil servant. In May 2002, he moved to Net One (Pvt.) Ltd. up until 2006. He left Zimbabwe for Namibia, where he could not get a formal job because of very restrictive laws. He, however, managed to join hands with some colleagues and run an educational and training project, Institute of Youth Training and Development, between 2007 and 2008. He became frustrated because of inhibited growth and left for South Africa, where he has been employed as a personal financial advisor in Old Mutual Life Assurance Company since 2009.

He studied for a marketing qualification with the Institute of Marketing Management (IMM), Graduate School of Marketing SA, and he attained a three-year graduate diploma in marketing in 2000. In 2003, he graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in marketing with the same institution. Lack of finance had resulted in him failing to go to Australia in 2000 to study economics at Latrobe University before pursuing the degree program.

Tavakunda is married to Zvikomborero Buyelwa Marembo née Chikuya, and the couple has two daughters, Kupakwashe Nomthandazo and Kudiwanashe Marembo.