The Search for Scheherazade

by Elizabeth Baroody



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/30/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781490737911
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781490737928

About the Book

The kidnapping of Kara Winston sets off a massive search since the ransom demand is the death of four former secret agents. One of the agents, John Colter, enlists the help of his wife, Dania Colter, because of her experience as a freelance photojournalist and her knowledge of the area.

About the Author

Elizabeth was an independent photojournalist from 1970 to her death and has written, sold, and published approximately 115 articles and short stories, and a book. The following publications have used her work: Early American Life, Writer’s Digest, The Antique Trader, Numismatic Scrapbook, Marriage and Family, Horse Illustrated, Spinning Wheel, Country Magazine, Hobbies, Antique Week, Postcard Collector, and Cricket Magazine. Under the name of Christy Demaine, she wrote one book, A Matter of Revenge, published by Playboy Press in 1978.