For Advanced & Honors Programs
Book Details
About the Book
Gifted and talented students and any student interested in pursuing a science major in college needs a rigorous program to prepare them while they are still in high school. This book utilizes a format where the application of several disciplines—science, math, and language arts principles—are mandated. Each lab concludes with either an essay or a detailed analysis of what happened and why it happened. This format is based on the expectations of joining a university program or becoming an industrial science professional. The ideal student lab report would be written in a lab research notebook, and then the essay or final analysis is done on a word processor to allow for repeat editing and corrections. The research notebook has all graph pages, a title section, and a place for the students and their assistants to sign and witness that exercise. The basic mechanics of the lab report—title, purpose, procedure, diagrams, data table, math and calculations, observations, and graphs—are handwritten into the book. The conclusion is done on a word processor (MS Word), which allows the instructor to guide the student in writing and editing a complete essay using the MLA format. When the final copy is completed, the essay is printed and inserted into the lab notebook for grading. At the end of the term, the student has all their labs in one place for future reference. These lab notebooks can be obtained for as little as $ 3.00 per book. This is money well-spent. In our district, the Board of Education buys the books for each student. The BOE sees these books as expendable but necessary materials for all science and engineering instruction.
About the Author
James Signorelli has taught advanced placement chemistry, honors chemistry and honors physics for over 38 years in a northern New Jersey public school district. This school became a state magnet school for gifted and talented students in 2001. At that school, has served as the Science Department Chairman overseeing the implementation and application of high rigor classes in all of the sciences for over seventeen years, while still carrying a full teaching schedule. Mr. Signorelli is on staff at two local universities working on both teacher outreach and middle college programs. He serves on the board of directors of the New Jersey section / American Association of Physics Teachers. He was a senior research flavor chemist for over eight years. This allowed him to write and give advice on curriculum which prepared students for both an industrial and educational course of study. Mr. Signorelli believes that a trend in schools to replace hands on lab experiences with a virtual lab done on the computer is a mistake. He has experienced ill-prepared students in college who had never worked with real chemicals or equipment. His colleagues also have commented on this growing problem. It appears that the business office has taken over the classroom. Decisions on how or what to teach is effected by the bottom line….cost! This lab manual brings the student back into the lab to perform real experiments on diverse topics within the framework of an honors and advanced chemistry program. Throughout his years of teaching and industry, Mr. Signorelli has been honored for his research on various essential oils; an invited speaker at several chemists symposiums; as the chemistry teacher of the year by the American Chemical Society; cited as an outstanding teacher by the Bergen County and New Jersey State legislature; recognized by Princeton University for his teaching; and has been elected to Who's Who Among American Teachers.